Leadership Health Self-Assessment

In the future we hope to have a form that you can fill out online and quickly send to your coach. In the meantime, please download the assessment and either type your responses in the Word document or print and write out your responses on the pdf.

Note: this page is not yet ready for use. If your mentor/coach sent you here, you can do this in the meantime: 

Relational Health

·         How are your relationships at home?

·         What about your marriage or dating relationship is going well?  Not so well?  What would you like to change?

·         Who do you consider your closest friend?  How is God using that relationship to grow you?

·         What are your relationships at work like?

·         Which of your relationships give you energy and life?  Which are the most challenging or draining?

·         How are you discipling your kids and leading your family spiritually?


Physical Health

·         What dose a good night’s rest look like for you?

·         On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your current energy level?

·         What are you doing to maintain good health when it comes to exercise and eating habits?

·         Is there anything else about your physical health that is holding you back?

·         If you had more energy and felt rested, how would you be better able to influence the people around you?

Mental Health

·         What have you been interested in learning lately?

·         What books, magazines or websites do you read or access? How are they helping you grow your mind?

·         With whom do you share what you are learning?

·         What thoughts have been dominating your mind?  Are they drawing you closer to God?  Are they pulling you away from him?

·         Who do you have to talk to when you are struggling?


Spiritual Health

·         How would you describe your relationship with Christ right now?

·         Describe the last time you felt close to God. What were you feeling? Describe the circumstances.

·         Where are you hydrating and what is God saying to you?

·         How are you applying what you are hearing from God, from the weekend services or from your small group?

·         Which other spiritual disciplines have helped you draw closer to Jesus?  Prayer? Journaling? Worship? Solitude? Others?

·         How can we encourage you to keep practicing these disciplines?

Form should ask for their

Name & email address at top

Coach’s name at bottom of form

Instructions: send this form to their mentor/coach