Welcome to RidgeKids!
We are excited to partner with you as your child journeys from birth through sixth-grade. We believe that you are your child's greatest influencer, and we consider it a privilege to team up with you. Our purpose is to partner with parents and families to help kids take their faith to the Next Level. We want to grow, serve, and share our faith together.
Join us every Sunday morning for RidgeKids at 9:00 or 10:45
Check out what we are learning in RidgeKids and RidgeKids Jr. in the month of MARCH!
RidgeKids - Cooperation isn’t always something that may happen naturally, but it is something that is near and dear to God’s heart. Since the beginning of creation we see how God created us to be in community with one another. Cooperation is a spiritual concept that originates with God, and throughout the Bible, we see how God brought people together to accomplish God’s plan for the world. When we work together, we reflect Jesus to others, and our love for one another can point people to Him as we explore what God wants us to do together.
Bible Verse: “Two people are better than one. They can help each other in everything they do.” Ecclesiastes (NIRV)
RidgeKids Jr.- One common phrase we hear children repeat is, “Watch this!” They want us to watch their spins and cartwheels, their dance routines, and what their toys can do. It’s fun to pretend to be amazed and say, “Wow,” no matter what it is.
This month, we are teaching our preschoolers to watch the One who can do anything. The One who has shown that the power of the Lord is with Him. Who is this One? Jesus, of course! Yes, this month is all about Jesus and how Jesus can do anything!
Bible Verse: “And the power of the Lord was with Jesus.” Luke 5:17 (NIV)
Check Out What Is Happening In RidgeKids
We are so glad that you are considering spending your summer doing ministry with us! This Summer Intern position will primarily support Kids Ministry activities and programs. The intern may also have the possibility of assisting in The Ridge Youth Ministry, Compassion 360 and other church wide summer ministries. This internship is suited for anyone between the age of 18-25, who is passionately following Jesus. Our goal is to help the intern explore the idea of a career in ministry and how God might develop them as a leader for Jesus. We are accepting applications through April 25th, with interviews the following week. Our vision for this role is to empower and encourage the intern to live their full potential in Christ. We will reinforce our values of loving people recklessly, serving others contagiously, and pursuing God passionately. Interns will have the opportunity to grow as Godly leaders and further become who God created them to be. Our internship is a paid position. Hours: 20 to 30 hours per week (varies throughout the summer) When: June-August
Apply HERE now!
In RidgeKids we believe your child is on a pathway to authentic faith. Our RidgeKids Sunday morning experience is designed to help your kids build their faith foundation. Our midweek "Next Level" class series is designed to help kids go further in their relationship with Jesus.
Are your kids ready to take their faith to the next level? This is our third small group designed specifically for them to develop an authentic faith and make deeper connections. This series is called "SHARE."
During SHARE, 4th-6th graders will meet on Wednesdays, for four weeks, starting on April 16th, from 5:30-7:00 PM, in the gym. RidgeKids will engage in learning God's purpose in sharing their faith, following Jesus and considering God's plan for their lives. They will participate in weekly workshops and then will have home application assignments to do throughout the week. The Next Level small group builds week to week and so we want your child to be excited, engaged, and committed if they choose to participate. The dates of SHARE are Wednesdays, April 16th, 23rd, 30th, and May 7th.
Register HERE.
We are very excited to announce our RidgeKids Jr GROW Family Group will be starting for Winter/Spring! This is for families with infants, toddlers and preschoolers (note: older siblings are also welcome to come)! We will meet once a month on Wednesday evenings, Jan. 15th, Feb. 19th, March 19th and April 9th @ 5:30pm in the gym.
This will be similar to a family small group gathering with a shared meal to start our time together, childcare provided, Bible discussion and small group time for parents. We will have childcare provided from 6:15-7:15 while parents meet in the gym for the small group speaker and discussion time. Jessica Yake, Chloe Watts and Randy & Allison Meade will be leading our time together.
If you have any questions or want more information about this group, text "RidgeKids Jr GROW Family Group" to the church line at (360) 552-7794. We would love to have your family there each time as we grow together! Register HERE so that we can coordinate food and materials.
We want to invite all of our toddler and preschool parents to join us once a month for RidgeKids Jr. Playdates! During the Winter/Spring months, we will meet in the Church Gym for age-appropriate activities and if the weather permits we can use the outside playground.
Our goal is to use these playdates as a chance to connect with other parents as the kids play.
Hope to see you there!
February 26, 9:30-11:00am
March 26, 9:30-11:00am
April 30, 9:30-11:00am
May 28, 9:30-11:00am
Vacation Bible School Day Camp 2025.
Save the date: June 23-26. More information coming soon!
WAPAC Kids Camp 2025.
Save the date: August 1-4. More information coming soon!
Our RidgeKids vision is that every child will go on an adventure with Jesus!!
Kids Church
Every Sunday during 9:00 and 10:45 services we work to create a great experience for your kids to begin their journey with Jesus. We want them to love coming to church so much that they look forward to it all week!
RidgeKids Nursery is designed for parents to have an optional space to go with their newborns during services. You can find the nursery on the main level, just behind the Café.
RidgeKids JR meets in the early childhood wing on the lower level and is designed to meet the developmental needs of kids eighteen months through Kindergarten.
RidgeKids Church meets in the lower level gym for first through sixth-graders.
We take security very seriously so that you can rest easy, knowing that your kids are in good hands. Your children will be supervised and taught by background-checked volunteers who have been trained to follow approved policies and procedures. Our check-in system ensures that your children are released only to you (or to the people you designate).
NEW HERE? You can plan your visit and register your kids so you will be ready to go on Sunday morning! Text “Register for RidgeKids Sunday” to (360)552-7794. You can also catch RidgeKids online on Facebook or YouTube on a Sunday morning, or during the week. Go here for any of these links!
Life with Jesus is an awesome adventure!
Kids Church - We are having in-person services and we have three options for you and your kids. Everyone in your family can experience RidgeKids in-person on Sundays at 9:00 or 10:45 AM or at our Spanish service Saturday night at 7:00 PM.
RidgeKids Next Level Small Groups. Are your kids ready to go to the Next Level with Jesus? This fall, winter, and spring we are offering RidgeKids Next Level Small Group for kids 4th-6th grade. This group will help kids develop an authentic faith and make deeper connections as they learn to GROW - SERVE - SHARE their faith. We will meet at church one night a week from 5:30- 7:00 PM. To register, text “RidgeKids Next Level” to (360) 552-7794
Family Events. We sponsor many family events throughout the year. Watch for our Next Level events, sports ministry, Easter services, Camps/Vacation Bible School in June, and Fall Activities in October!
We want your family to enjoy quality time together however we can support that. Check the calendar for upcoming family events!
Mark your calendars for March
March 14 to 16- RidgeKids Men’s/Dad’s Retreat(more info coming soon)
March 19- RidgeKids Jr. Family GROW Group
March 26- RidgeKids Jr. Play Date
We believe that your kids will have the best possible adventure with Jesus when we (the Church) partner with you (their parents). We will help build their faith foundation in a fun environment every weekend, and then we will send them home with you to continue the discussion. That might sound a bit scary, but we are here to help! Every week we provide a “Parent Cue” to guide you to Read a Bible story with your kids, Discuss God’s truth and Pray with your kids.
Look for these familiar faces at RidgeKids Sunday Mornings and Events!
Meet the Team
Here at RidgeKids, all ministry is done as a team. Want to get to know more about the RidgeKids leaders? Check out their bios below!
Children’s PastorPastor Randy is our Children’s Pastor. He loves sports and coaching. He often makes sports references when describing faith to kids and his team! Randy and his wife Allison have five sweet girls, who love RidgeKids! If you have any questions, feel free to call/text him at 360-910-7770 or email him at randy@ridgefieldnazarene.org
RidgeKids/RidgeKids Jr. CoordinatorShe has worked with children for several years and loves the blessing and challenge of supporting parents and helping the little ones experience Jesus in their world. You can email Jessica at ridgekids@ridgefieldnazarene.org or call/text 360-521-7547
Would You Like To Serve With Us?
Fill out the application below!