A community of Christ followers dedicated to fellowship; supporting and encouraging one another as we strengthen our faith and seek clarity in the Word.
Adult Groups & Classes
Are you longing for meaningful relationships as you grow into your full potential in Christ? While participating in weekend worship services is essential, you also need a smaller group. We like to say that everyone needs to move…
…from sitting in rows to sitting in circles.
…from looking at the backs of other people’s heads to looking at faces.
…from listening to a monologue to sharing in a dialogue.
…from making acquaintances to making friends.
When you join a group or a class, you will be encouraged to take your next steps in your faith. As you discuss the Bible and how it applies to life, you will become more like Jesus. Your group members will encourage you to put your faith in action in your daily life. You will learn how to read and study your Bible not only in class, but on your own time as well. As you discuss life, share prayer requests, and get to know group members, you will develop caring, supporting friendships. We regularly hear stories of how group members have visited each other in the hospital, provided meals for each other, helped each other move, and become the friends we call when it is time to have fun. We encourage you to join a group or class today!
While all of our groups and classes offer spiritual growth and relationships, we have created four environments that each offer a different experience.
Small Groups
A small group consists of 6 to 12 people who meet regularly to discuss and apply the weekend sermon. Most of our small groups meet in members’ homes on weeknights or on Sunday nights. Groups meet weekly or bi-monthly (as decided by the group). Each group is led by a trained leader and host, using the sermon discussion questions and suggested Bible readings provided in the bulletins. A typical meeting lasts for an hour and a half.
You can join a group based on your life stage, or on geography, or the most convenient night of the week. We currently have groups meeting in Ridgefield, La Center, Felida and Woodland. We have groups for young adults, families, empty-nesters, and everyone in between. We are constantly starting new groups as new leaders are trained and ready. Sometimes it takes two or three groups before you find the perfect fit. But don’t worry, you’ll find it!
If you are interested in joining a group, please fill out the form below and someone will get in touch with you to help you connect with a group leader. If you are interested in leading or hosting a new group, please let us know that as well.
Small Group Guides
We have recently developed two experiences for your small group. From two of our popular weekend message series, your group can watch the teaching video and discuss using the downloadable discussion guides, or you can make up your questions!
How Can I Be Sure? Asks the difficult questions of our faith. How can I be sure that God really exists? How can I be sure that the Bible is true and trustworthy? This group experience will help your group members answer these difficult questions. Click here to access the study.
Beautiful Truth What is truth? Many people believe that each of us must find our own truth. Others promote that the truth is cold and hard. Then there are the philosophers who believe there is no truth. This group experience will help your group members see what Jesus has to say about truth throughout the gospel of John. You will discover the truth that is freeing, life-changing and beautiful. Click here to access the study.
How to Lament will help your group process and express pain, loss and even anger. While we believe that God is good, the reality is that life is often not good. This group experience will help your group members to express their negative emotions in healthy ways that will draw them closer to God and not farther away. Click here to access the study. (Coming Soon)
Adult Bible Studies
While there is no ideal environment, many of our adults prefer the more structured format of a Bible study. These groups meet at the church or in homes at varying days and times during the week. Each group is led by a gifted teacher who is well-prepared to lead a study of God’s Word that is both informational and full of life application. Not only will you learn a lot, but you will be challenged to put your faith in action.
The Tuesday Ladies Bible Study is led by Nancy Elson and meets on Tuesday mornings at 9:30am at the church in Room 121 downstairs off the gym. This group does not meet during the summer.
Butch & Nancy Petrick's Bible Study meets on Monday Afternoons at 2:00pm at Butch & Nancy’s home. Contact Butch at 360-887-4279 for more information.
The Wednesday Ladies Bible Study offers a morning in-person Bible Study. They meet on Wednesday mornings at 9:15am. Check the church calendar to see the current study and days since they do not meet year round.
For more information about any of these Bible Study opportunities, please text SMALL GROUPS to 360.552.7794
Adult Sunday School Classes
Many of our adults prefer the traditional format of a classroom setting at the church on Sundays. Sunday school classes meet at the church on Sunday mornings. Classes are taught by experienced teachers. You are welcome to visit any of these classes on any Sunday, there is no registration needed!
There are currently two options for Sunday School Classes, both are during our second service hour at 10:30 in the library and conference room.
Prayer Groups
Our final environment features groups that gather primarily for the purpose of prayer. These groups meet for approximately an hour to share prayer requests and to pray for each other, for our community, for our church, and for others.
Our Spanish Ministry leads a Spanish prayer meeting on Tuesdays at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary.
The Men’s Prayer group meets on Tuesdays at 6:00am in the sanctuary.
You are welcome to visit and participate in either of these gatherings at any time.
Online Courses
We are also developing some courses that you can take on your own time to help you take steps toward living your full potential. The Defining the Relationship course will help you discover what it means to have a personal relationship with God. The Hydrate course will teach you how to hear from God by spending time with your Bible open.