How Can I Be Sure?
Small Group Experience
Welcome to the How Can I Be Sure Small Group Experience. At some point everyone asks the big and difficult faith questions. Does God really exist? Is there any evidence that Jesus actually lived on earth, much less died and rose again? Doesn’t modern science disprove faith and the Bible? Rather than shut down questions and honest doubts, we encourage you to ask them. We are not afraid of the tough questions, and we want to guide your search for answers. We hope this experience will be a good launching pad for deep discussion in your small group.
Whether you are a skeptic just wondering, a seeker looking for evidence, or a believer seeking assurance, we will help you answer the question, How Can I Be Sure?
Instructions: On this page you will find a downloadable discussion guide as well as the teaching videos for every group session. Prior to every meeting, be sure to download and print copies of the discussion questions for everyone in your group. We also suggest that you test the videos to make sure they play correctly on your device. We hope that your group experience generates some great conversations!
Episode 1: I Am Sure I Believe in God
Download the discussion guide for this episode by clicking on the button below. Scroll down to access the videos for this session.
Start your discussion by watching the Introduction Video.
After discussing the first two questions, watch the teaching video below.
Episode 2: I Am Sure The Bible is Reliable
Download the discussion guide for this episode by clicking on the button below. Scroll down to access the videos for this session.
Begin your discussion by watching the first video below.
After discussing the first two questions, watch the next teaching video, then discuss.
After discussing the previous video, watch the next teaching video, then discuss.
Episode 3: I Am Sure That Jesus Died and Rose Again
Download the discussion guide for this episode by clicking on the button below. Scroll down to access the videos for this session.
Begin your discussion by watching the first video below.
After discussing the previous video, watch the next teaching video, then discuss.
After discussing the previous video, watch the next teaching video, then discuss.
After discussing the previous video, watch the next teaching video, then discuss.
Episode 4: I Am Sure That God is Good
Download the discussion guide for this episode by clicking on the button below. Scroll down to access the videos for this session.
Begin your discussion by watching the first video below.
After discussing the previous video, watch the next teaching video, then discuss.
After discussing the previous video, watch the next teaching video, then discuss.
After discussing the previous video, watch the next teaching video, then discuss.
Episode 5: I Am Sure that Christianity is Good For Society
Download the discussion guide for this episode by clicking on the button below. Scroll down to access the videos for this session.
Begin your discussion by watching the first video below.
After discussing the previous video, watch the next teaching video, then discuss.
After discussing the previous video, watch the next teaching video, then discuss.
Episode 6: I Am Sure That I Am Not Sure About Everything
Download the discussion guide for this episode by clicking on the button below. Scroll down to access the videos for this session.
Begin your discussion by watching the first video below.
After discussing the previous video, watch the next teaching video, then discuss.