Find Your Place. Live Your Purpose.
At Ridgefield Church of the Nazarene, we believe you were made for more. God has a unique purpose for your life, and we’re here to help you discover it.
Our pathway to full potential living invites you to belong, pursue spiritual growth, make a difference, and change the world. Whether you’re just beginning to explore faith or are ready to step into leadership, there’s a place for you here. Through worship, small groups, serving opportunities, and leadership development, you’ll build stronger rhythms of faith, deepen relationships, and make an impact for Christ.
God’s Word reminds us: “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” (Ephesians 2:10 NLT)
Don’t settle for anything less than God’s best. Find belonging, pursue growth, and discover your calling at RCN. Join us as we reach the lost, change the world, and live our full potential in Christ.
Our Values
We truly want every person to experience a relationship with Jesus. We believe this is possible when we help everyone live their full potential by prioritizing sharing Jesus with others and embodying these core values:
We love others recklessly: Following Jesus’ example of sacrificial love, we prioritize people over programs. Relationships are at the heart of everything we do, both inside and outside the church walls. We don’t play it safe; we step into the joys and messes of life with others. We consistently look for ways to connect, encourage, and help, choosing action over comfort.
We serve others contagiously: Just as Jesus served by washing his disciples’ feet, we live out our potential through active, joyful service. We take initiative, asking, “How can I help?” and then stepping in to make a difference. We invite others to serve alongside us, recognizing and developing their strengths to grow new leaders.
We pursue God passionately: Like Jesus, who stayed connected to the Father, we thrive through a devoted relationship with God. We remain real about our need for Him, starting everything with prayer and spending time daily in Scripture. We don’t strive to do great things for God; instead, we let Him do great things through us as we stay close to Him.
By living out these values, we reflect the heart of evangelism—loving, serving, and pursuing God—so others can experience their full potential in Christ.
Explore RidgeNaz
At RidgeNaz, we believe that faith is a lifelong journey of following Jesus, and we would love to walk alongside you. Whether you’re new to the church, feeling stuck in your faith, or navigating a new season of life, we have a pathway to guide you forward. Explore RidgeNaz is a process designed to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus and engage with our church community.
Find Belonging: This part of the journey is where you begin to connect with Jesus and the church community, discovering where you fit in and how to grow in your faith.
Pursuing Growth: How do you turn your Sunday faith into an everyday faith? When you pursue growth together in community, it empowers you person to live out your beliefs and grow spiritually throughout the week by practicing key spiritual rhythms.
Make a Difference: As you move forward in your journey, you’ll discover your calling and how to use your gifts and talents to serve others as you step into leadership, making an impact in the world around you.
Change the World: This is where you learn to share your faith and disciple others, guiding them along their own journey with Jesus. Specific leadership training ensures that this is not the stopping point, but rather a the beginning of a new journey!
Overcome Roadblocks: Life’s challenges—such as emotional wounds, addictions, or financial struggles—can hold you back from reaching your full potential. At RidgeNaz, we offer resources many resources to help you overcome these obstacles. You’ll also connect with people who have found healing and are committed to helping others do the same. To connect with one of our chaplains, click HERE or visit our care page.
If this seems like a long process, that’s because it is! This full potential pathway is not intended to be completed in a month – or even a one year. Instead, it is a lifelong journey for every believer.
We invite everyone to begin with Find Belonging and continue from there. No matter where you are in your faith journey, Explore RidgeNaz is here to provide support and encouragement as you take your next steps with Jesus.
Our Vision is to lead a movement of people who pursue God passionately, serve others contagiously, and love people recklessly, both within our church and out in our community.
We will see lives changed as we share the good news of Jesus
and our community changed as we expand to multiple Ridgefield Nazarene Church campuses.
In February 2024 we shared our big vision to share Jesus with our community by multiplying our ministries and our church. Watch the video below to hear Jason share our vision publicly for the first time.
Our Motives
We share Jesus more because we get to than because we have to. Check out these Bible verses that commission us to share Jesus.
Matthew 28:19-20
Acts 1:8
2 Peter 3:9
Romans 10:14-15
Matthew 9:36-38
Every news story reminds us that our culture desperately needs the hope and healing of Jesus.
Entire cities are changed when Christ-followers work together to bless and disciple their communities.
We are called to be missionaries to our own communities & cities!
Our Reality
Our parking and room usage is full and our services are nearly full. We need to make space for new people.
Our church is healthy and stable, putting us in a great place to expand without creating division.
Our church is financially healthy, with significant savings. This vision allows us to be good stewards as we invest in Kingdom work.
Our Participation
You get to be part of this vision!
Pray that God will send us a Campus Pastor who will quickly earn the respect of our church.
Ask God to give you opportunities to show love to people in your life who don’t know Jesus.
Join a serving team or start a new small group!
Sign up for the evangelism class later this spring
Our Plan
The Church Board approved a 3 Phase plan that will guide our actions and decisions. We are currently working on phase 1 and the board will oversee progress towards the next phases.
Vision Q&A - May 5, 2024
On May 5, the Church Board hosted a Q&A session and answered many of the questions that have been asked since we shared our vision. Click on the video below to watch the Q&A session.
Vision Q&A - June 23, 2024
On June 23, the Church Board hosted a second Q&A session and answered many of the questions that have been asked since we shared our vision. Click on the video below to watch the Q&A session. (note: due to technical difficulties, the video below will display the Q&A graphics while playing the audio from the Q&A session.)
Get Your Copy of the Frequently Asked Questions!
In addition to the Q&A, we have published a booklet that answers almost 30 questions about our vision and strategy. Pick one up this Sunday, contact us to request a mailed copy, or click on the image below to download a copy.
Are you new to faith or exploring what it means to be a follower of Jesus? If so, check out this resource just for you!
Learning how to develop the habit of reading Scripture can be challenging. We have designed this course to help you keep hydrated in the Word of God. Click the Hydrate course button to start TODAY!
If you want an individualized plan to help you take steps in your spiritual, physical, emotional, and social wellbeing, check out the assessment below!