You are about to take a big step in your journey with Jesus!
So many people want to read the Bible and get something out of it, but just don’t know where to start. This course will help you know where to start.
So many people start to read their Bible, get discouraged by how confusing it is, and give up. This course will help you know what to look for and what to expect from your Bible.
So many people start reading the Bible, but fail to see how an old book of stories relates to their lives. This course will help you to apply what you read. But more than that, this course will train you to listen for what God himself wants to say to you through his written Word, the Bible.
Here is how to make the most of this course. For each lesson:
1. Watch the teaching video
2. Answer the reflection questions in your workbook
3. Complete the Hydrate Challenge with your Bible.
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Scroll Down to Start Lesson 1!
Lesson 1
START THIS LESSON BY responding to the refelction questions in your workbook. Then WATCH THE teaching VIDEO.
Hydrate Challenge
1 Peter 1:1-12
As you hydrate your soul through time with God today, simply read 1 Peter1:1-12. You might even read it all two or three times. Read slowly, as if you are reading a message straight from God. Then pick the one verse that is most meaningful to you. Underline or highlight it. Then simply talk to God about how you will live out what he has spoken to you.
Reflection Questions
Prior to this lesson, how would you have described what it means to “hear” from God?
How could your experience of the Bible be different if you were to see it as a love letter written from the God of the universe to you? Can you see yourself “hearing” from God in this way?
Which part of Butch’s story inspired you the most?
1 PETER 1:13-25
Just like the previous challenge, read the passages, highlight one verse that is most meaningful to you, and then pray about it. Looking For Another Lesson? Click on the links below to go directly to the lesson you are looking for.
Hydrate Challenge
1 Peter 2:1-10
Just like the previous two challenges, read the passages & underline or highlight one verse that is most meaningful to you, and then talk to God about how you will live out what he has spoken to you.
How are you growing so far from this course?
Send Jason a quick message and tell him how you are hearing from God
Text Message: 360.552.7794
email: jason@ridgefieldnazarene.org