Spiritual Practices Resources
The Apostle Paul told his young apprentice Timothy to “train yourself to be godly.” (1 Timothy 4:7). How do we do that? Spiritual teachers over the years have discovered the power of following a set of spiritual practices. We have found just over twenty common spiritual practices. No, you should not expect to practice all twenty all the time. With the help of a mentor or coach, choose a few that you can practice regularly. Then revisit your plan often. But where do we start if you have never engaged a certain spiritual practice? Below you will find a list of helpful resources. You will find books, article, videos, apps and websites to help you get started with each practice.
If you have not yet completed your Spiritual Practices Self-Assessment, click here to take the assessment. It will help you to see which practices you have developed. It will help you to evaluate your spiritual practices for balance. It may help you identify new practices to try. Then return to this page to find resources for any of the practices.
Quiet Time:
YouVersion Bible App Plans & Devotionals - Undoubtedly the most popular Bible app available, YouVersion not only allows you to read the Bible in various translations, but you can search thousands of reading plans featuring daily devotions on a wide variety of topics. Looking for a devotional to help with anxiety? Depression? Marriage? The book of Revelation? You will find several options for each of these and more. Find the Bible app in your device’s app store or get more information here.
Jesus Calling Devotional - This popular product provides 365 daily devotions featuring the words of Jesus and other comforting and encouraging Scriptures. Originally published in a book, you can also access this resource through an app and get more through subsequent volumes. Find more information at JesusCalling.com
100 Days to Brave - You were always meant to be brave. Annie F. Downs felt her challenges were too difficult, too scary, too much. Then she decided to stop allowing fear to hold her back. It wasn't easy or simple. But it was good. With honesty and relatable humor, this compilation of best-of writings and new pieces from Annie will give you the inspiration to embrace the path and the plan God has for you and experience personal growth. Available at most major book sellers, you can learn more about the author, the companion guided journal, and buy a copy here.
Our Daily Bread - This well-loved daily devotional features a daily Scripture reading and life application devotional. Available at a very low price, you can receive your devotional every month in the mail, or get it via the app or simply by visiting the website. Find more information or subscribe here.
Bible Reading
Hydrate Online Course - Developed and taught by the pastors and leaders at our church, this online course will not only teach you how to read your Bible and get something out of it, but you will read through two books of the Bible in the process. Click here to start today.
YouVersion Bible App Reading Plans - Undoubtedly the most popular Bible app available, YouVersion not only allows you to read the Bible in various translations, but you can find reading plans for every book of the Bible. Do you want to read the books of Genesis, Malachi or Hebrews? Are you planning to read through the entire Bible? You will find several options for each of these and more. Find the Bible app in your device’s app store or get more information here.
Start with the books of John or Luke - If you don’t know where to start reading your Bible, we suggest starting with The Gospel of John or The Gospel of Luke. In these short books you will find the stories and teachings of Jesus. Simply read one chapter every day, pick the verse the speaks to you the most, and talk to God about or journal your thoughts. Not ready for this? Start with the Hydrate Online Course.
Buy a Bible in a Modern, Readable Translation - Unless you love Shakespeare, the Bible you inherited from a family member might be difficult to read. We recommend using the New International Version (NIV) or the New Living Translation (NLT). Unsure of which translation you have? Check the spine. Learn more about various Bible translations here.
The Story Chronological Bible overview - It can be helpful to understand the overall story of the Bible as the events unfold through popular characters. Condensed into 31 chapters and presented in chronological order, you will not only immerse yourself in the Bible, but you will experience the story from beginning to end. Get your copy here.
Six Beginner Tips For Writing a Spiritual Journal - This short article will help you understand the basics of spiritual journaling, including how the practice differs from simply keeping a diary. Read it here.
Journaling Prompts & Starters - Are you struggling with what to write about in your journal? This article shares prompts to help you start writing. Read it here.
1,000 Gifts - In our age of consumption and anxiety, many people have discovered the value of gratitude journaling. Author Ann Voskamp not only reveals her own personal struggles and her journey to joy, but she has inspired thousands of people to join her in the journey. Learn more about Ann, her best-selling book, and the new app here.
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry - In this book, Pastor John Mark Comer diagnoses our cultural obsession with hurry and busyness as not only unhealthy, but unloving. He offers the way of Jesus as a compelling alternative. Written with humor, a wealth of research, and raw authenticity, the book is not only inviting but offers practical steps to create space for solitude. Read the first two chapters here, listen to a portion of the audiobook here, or download the free workbook here.
Article: The Fear of Solitude - In this short article, author Richard Foster shares not only a helpful mindset towards solitude, but offers some simple steps to start practicing solitude in everyday life. Read it here.
Pause App - Based on the One Minute Pause book by author John Eldredge, the Pause app will remind you and help you to stop and reconnect with God throughout your day. Search for the app in your device’s app store or learn more here.
Join a prayer Group - One of the best ways to learn to pray is simply to listen to others pray. Check out one of our regular prayer gatherings. Learn more about when and where our groups meet by clicking here.
Prayer Room Stations - Have you visited the Prayer Room? You may have seen it while leaving church on a recent Sunday morning. It can be found in the hallways that exits to the parking lot. In the prayer room we have created several prayer stations with various activities to help you pray. It is open for you to pray any time on Sunday mornings or during office hours on weekdays.
Draw the Circle 40 Day Prayer Challenge - Do you pray as often and as boldly as you want to? There is a way to experience a deeper, more passionate, persistent, and intimate prayer life. In this short book, author and pastor Mark Batterson teaches, through Biblical texts and modern day stories, how to pray big, bold prayers. Get your copy here.
The Prayer Dare - Through powerful daily "dares" or challenges, pastor Ron Kincaid, guides readers not just to think or talk or read about prayer . . . but to actually pray. Readers will gain confidence in their prayer lives, strengthen their understanding of prayer's purpose, and learn how to apply key scriptural principles of prayer to their everyday lives. Get your copy here.
Prayer Apps - Have you ever told someone that you will pray for them, but then you completely forgot? There’s an app to help you not forget. Want to keep a list of what you are praying for? There is an app for that. Check out this article of the best prayer apps. Our favorites are Echo and PrayerMate.
Stormie Omartian’s books The Power of a Praying - Are you looking for guidance for how to pray for your husband, your grandkids, your adult children, or more? Author Stormie Omartian books, featuring personal stories and Bible teaching, have taught Christ-followers to pray specifically for the ones they love the most. Learn more here.
Bible Memorization
How to Memorize Scripture - Many people find it difficult to memorize Scripture. This brief shares helpful tips for hiding God’s Word in your heart. Read it here.
Bible Memorization Apps - This article describes the best apps designed to help you memorize Bible verses. Read it here.
Topical Memory System - Developed by the Navigators (a successful ministry to young adults), the Topical Memory System has helped thousands of Christ-followers memorize key Bible verses. Learn more and order your system here.
Word for the Year Challenge - God gave you a word for the year. We challenge you to find everything the Bible says about your word and memorize one verse every week that speaks to your word. Hint: Use your YouVersion Bible app or youversion.com to search for Bible verses by word.
Memorize 1 chapter of Scripture - Are you up for a huge challenge? Memorize an entire chapter of the Bible (John 1 is a good place to start) or even an entire book of the Bible (James is a great book to memorize).
Bible Quizzing - If your Middle School or High School student is looking to grow in their faith by studying and memorizing the Bible, you should check into Bible Quizzing. Learn more here.
Bible Study
Join a Bible study Group or Class - We offer several opportunities for classroom Bible study taught by qualified and godly teachers. Learn more here. Note: due to COVID restrictions, our Adult Sunday School Classes are currently not meeting. We hope to resume the classes as soon as possible.
N.T. Wright’s Online Bible Courses - N.T. Wright is a world class Bible scholar and has recently published several online, self-paced courses covering books of the Bible and Biblical topics. Most of the courses have a moderate cost, but you can take the course on the book of Philemon for free! Learn more here.
Beth Moore’s Bible Studies - Beth Moore has ministered to the hearts and minds of so many women with deep Bible teaching that intersects our daily lives. You can order a book and DVDs or participate online. Learn more here or here.
Lisa TerKeurst’s Bible Studies - Through her Proverbs 31 Ministries Lisa TerKeurst tackles difficult issues and applies God’s truth to help women around the world. You can order a book and DVDs or participate completely online. Learn more here.
The Bible Project Videos - The Bible Project publishes short videos to explain the themes of almost every book in the Bible. Recent projects have also included explainer videos for themes and difficult subjects in the Bible. Learn more here or simply search for The Bible Project on YouTube.
CoffeeShop Theology - This two volume set of books is designed to “translate doctrinal jargon into everyday life.” Author Frank Moore is a Nazarene theologian who is uniquely gifted at explaining complex theological concepts in a simple way that non-theologians can understand. Learn more here.
Ask N.T. Wright Anything Podcast - This podcast features theologian and Bible scholar N.T. Wright responding to various theological questions. Simply search for “Ask N.T. Wright Anything” in your favorite podcasting app. Find the podcast here on Spotify.
The Unshakable Truth - In this book, authors Josh and Shaun McDowell present not only the core beliefs of Christianity, but they offer the reason and evidence for why these doctrines make sense and they help readers apply the truths to daily life. Learn more here.
Financial Peace University - Thousands of people have learned to live on a budget, pay off debt AND give faithfully through the personal finance teaching of Dave Ramsey. Now available fully online. Learn more here.
The Treasure Principle Video - Bible teacher Randy Alcorn’s teaching about the Treasure Principle has helped so many people to view their money from an eternal perspective. Watch the video here.
The Treasure Principle Video - Bible teacher Randy Alcorn’s teaching about the Treasure Principle has helped so many people to view their money from an eternal perspective. Watch the video here.
The Legacy Journey - Especially for those who have worked through the baby steps of saving, budgeting and paying off debt, in this book Dave Ramsey makes a Biblical case for wealth, generosity, and leaving a legacy for your loved ones. Learn more here.
Find a Charity That Speaks to Your Heart - There are thousands of Christian organizations and charities to meet almost every need. Do your research, pray and find a charity that you believe in, and give regularly and generously beyond your tithe to the church. Want to invest in our local community? Check out Compassion360. Want to make a global impact? Check out Nazarene Compassionate Ministries or World Help. The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability also lists charities that have voluntarily submitted to their rigorous financial accountability, and you can search by ministry focus (prison ministries, Bible translation ministries, etc.)
Fasting Book & Journal - Pastor Jentezen Franklin’s book on the subject of fasting is both inspiring and practically helpful for anyone wanting to learn more and engage the practice of fasting. The journal is a great tool for someone starting their first 21 day fast. Get a copy of the book here.
Video: Fasting is Hungering For God - In this teaching video, Pastor Jentezen Franklin presents a compelling overview of the most basic motivation for fasting. Watch it here.
Video: Fasting and Prayer - In this teaching video, pastor and professor Elmer Towns teaches about fasting and prayer. Watch it here.
Church Membership Class - If you would like to know more about our church, what we believe, our vision, strategy and structure, be sure to register for our next membership class. This is the basic class required for everyone who wants to become a formal member, but there is no obligation or pressure to join and is a great way to help you decide if our church is the best fit for you. Check the calendar to find and register for the next class.
Article: 11 Ways to Get the Most Out of Church - In this short article, you will discover some tips to make the most of your church experience. Read it here.
Video: Is Church Membership Really Necessary - In this short video, pastor and rapper Tripp Lee describes why it is important to be committed to a local church. Watch it here.
Article: How to Go to Church and Enjoy It - In this short article, you will discover some tips to really enjoy going to church every weekend. Read it here.
Revolve: A New Way to See Worship - In this short book, pastor Nelson Searcy provides a new way to view worship and church services. If you are bored with church, this is a must-read. Get a copy here.
The Air I Breathe: Worship as a Way of Life - In this book, pastor and author Louie Giglio encourages readers to see worship not just as a Sunday-morning experience but as a way of life. Get a copy here.
Baptism Preparation Bible Study - Have you been baptized? Baptism is a great way to publicly proclaim your faith in Jesus with your church family. The first step to being baptized is to work through our baptism Bible study on your own or with a coach. Send us an email and request a copy of the Baptism Bible Study today!
Join a Group or Class - The simplest way to experience community is to join a group or class. We have groups that focus on Bible study, Bible & life discussion, prayer, support, and more. Learn more here and submit the form if you would like us to help you connect with a group or class. (Note: many of our groups are on hold until COVID restrictions are lifted. We may not be able to connect you immediately with a group or class)
Video: Why Should I Join a Small Group? - In this short video, pastor and author Rick Warren shares Biblical reasons for joining a small group. Watch it here.
Article: What is a Real Community? - Although this short article is written from a business perspective, it offers helpful advice and tips for building and experiencing a sense of community. Read it here.
Video: How to Have Real Community - In this short but powerful video, pastor and author Francis Chan challenges us to surround ourselves with a community of people who will keep us focused on our mission. Watch it here.
Video: The Biblical Basis for Small Groups - In this short video, pastor and author Rick Warren shares the biblical basis for small groups that meet outside of our weekend worship services. Watch it here.
Read Through Our Serving Teams Menu - Our church relies on teams of volunteers to carry out many of our ministries. From the highly skilled music teams to entry-level work teams, from Sunday morning teams to office volunteers during the week, we have a serving opportunity that will work for you. Email us today and request a copy of our Serving Teams Menu. Read it, pray over the options, and talk to a leader about how you can begin serving this week!
The Greatness Principle: Finding Significance and Joy by Serving Others - In this short book, pastor Nelson Searcy reminds us that true joy and significance is found in serving others. Buy a copy here.
Video: Serving Saved My Life - In this short video, Julius shares his story of how serving at his church saved his life! Watch it here.
Spiritual Gifts Assessment - Do you know how God has uniquely gifted you to serve? After completing this self-assessment you will receive a customized report featuring not only a list of your top gifts but suggestions for how you might activate that gift and begin serving. Click here to start the assessment now.
Video: Francis Chan Preaches on Serving - In this sermon-length video, pastor and author Francis Chan teaches on the importance of serving. Yes, the video is a bit dated, but the message is timeless! Watch it here.
Speaking of Jesus: the Art of Not-Evangelism - If the idea of sharing your faith with others scares you, then you need to read this book. Missionary and author Carl Medearis shares his experiences of talking about Jesus with Muslims in the Middle East in a way that is encouraging, inspiring, and doable! Get a copy here.
Just Walk Across the Room – Evangelism doesn’t have to be scary or hard. It is as simple as taking a walk across the room - whatever room you are in. Full of inspiring stories of people coming to Christ as a result of personal conversations arising from relationships with everyday people, you will be inspired to take action and share Jesus with the people around you. Buy the book here, and/or watch the video series here (requires payment).
God Tools App - Want to share your faith, but need some backup? There’s an app for that! With GodTools, you can learn how to talk about your faith with anyone. Use the app to walk someone through a clear explanation of the gospel. GodTools can also show you how to help that person take a relevant next step. Search for GodTools in your device’s app store or click here for more information.
Video Series: I Am Second - Rather than debate and argue with people about the truth of Jesus, what if we were to share real-life stories of how Jesus changes lives? With over 130 videos featuring the stories of regular people and celebrities who have chosen Jesus, I Am Second is sharing hope. With their videos, you can share hope as well. Watch the videos here or search “I Am Second” on YouTube.
Digital Evangelism Training - Social media can be used for good, and many have found ways to share Christ using social media. Click here to learn more.
Annual Mission Connexion Conference in Portland - Mission Connexion sponsors an annual convention every January in Portland. Full of engaging speakers and workshops, you will be inspired and resourced to share your faith. Since the 2021 conference was fully online, the videos are still available to watch. Click here to experience the conference fully online.
Compassion 360 - Compassion 360 is our local compassionate ministry operated out of Ridgefield Church of the Nazarene. By serving with and supporting Compassion 360 you are helping meet the basic needs of individuals and families who live in our community. Click here to learn more.
The Hole in Our Gospel - Have we embraced the whole gospel or a gospel with a hole in it? Ten years ago, Rich Stearns came face-to-face with that question as he sat in a mud hut in Rakai, Uganda, listening to the heartbreaking story of an orphaned child. The Hole in Our Gospel is the compelling true story of a corporate CEO who set aside worldly success for something far more significant, and discovered the full power of the gospel of Jesus Christ to change his own life. He uses his journey to demonstrate how the gospel-the whole gospel-was always meant to be a world changing social revolution, a revolution that begins with us. Click here to buy a copy.
Find a Charity That Speaks to Your Heart - There are several Christian organizations and charities that meet almost every need in the greater Vancouver Portland area and thousands around the world. Do your research, pray and find a charity that you believe in, and give regularly and generously beyond your tithe to the church. Want to make a global impact? Check out Nazarene Compassionate Ministries or World Help. The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability also lists charities that have voluntarily submitted to their rigorous financial accountability, and you can search by ministry focus (prison ministries, Bible translation ministries, etc.)
Volunteer at a local Christian Charity - Our church has supported Open House Ministries, Options 360, Freedom House, Shared Hope International and others! We encourage you to find a local ministry and volunteer!
Video: Tim Keller Talks About Justice - In this sermon length video, pastor and author Tim Keller talks about justice from a biblical and Christian perspective. Watch the video here.
Discipling Others
Multiply - Created by pastor and author Francis Chan, Multiply is designed as a simple resource that you can use to begin making disciples. The Material is a 24-session discipleship experience designed for one-on-one and group settings, and includes videos and other resources. You can either download or purchase the book to read all at once, or watch/read/listen each of the 24 sessions online. Learn more here.
Exponential: How You and Your Friends Can Start a Missional Church Movement - Authors Dave and Jon Ferguson communicate a simple strategy that will engage millions of Christ followers and challenge every church leader to become a reproducing follower and leader. Exponential lays out a brief but solid theology for a reproducing strategy, giving practical “how-to’s” for reproducing Christ followers, leaders, artists, groups/teams, venues, sites, churches, and networks of churches. This book is also in Pastor Jason’s “Top 5 Books of All Time.” Buy a copy here.
Coaching Questions - Do you want to empower the people around you to be all that God meant for them to be? If you are responsible for the care and development of leaders – staff or volunteers, use these six questions as a basic agenda for any one-on-one coaching conversation and you will see amazing growth in their leadership. This brief excerpt of the Exponential book will help you as you disciple others and hold them accountable to growth. Check it out here.
How to Lead When You Are Not in Charge - One of the greatest myths of leadership is that you must be in charge in order to lead. Great leaders don't buy it. Great leaders lead with or without the authority and learn to unleash their influence wherever they are. With practical wisdom and humor, author Clay Scroggins will help you nurture your vision and cultivate influence, even when you lack authority in your organization. And he will free you to become the great leader you want to be so you can make a difference right where you are. Buy a copy here.
Its Personal: Five Questions You Should Answer to Give Every Kid Hope - Something remarkable can happen when you start seeing people the way Jesus sees them. It's Personal is for volunteers and other leaders who work with children and teenagers. Taking the time to answer the five questions in this book for a kid or teenager could radically change someone's faith, maybe even yours. Buy a copy here.
The Servant: A Simple Story About the True Essence of Leadership – In this absorbing tale, you watch the timeless principles of servant leadership unfold through the story of John Daily, a businessman whose outwardly successful life is spiraling out of control. If you are tired of books that lecture instead of teach; if you are searching for ways to improve your leadership skills; if you want to understand the timeless virtues that lead to lasting and meaningful success, then this book is one you cannot afford to miss. Buy a copy here.
How Great Leaders Inspire Action - In this inspiring TED Talk, Simon Sinek challenges us to ask the most important questions. Watch it here.
Coaching Questions - Do you want to empower the people around you to be all that God meant for them to be? If you are responsible for the care and development of leaders – staff or volunteers, use these six questions as a basic agenda for any one-on-one coaching conversation and you will see amazing growth in their leadership. This brief excerpt of the Exponential book will help you as you disciple others and hold them accountable to growth. Check it out here.
Mere Christianity - Arguably the 20th century's most influential Christian writer, C.S. Lewis sought to explain and defend the beliefs that nearly all Christians at all times hold in common. Mere Christianity is a book that explains Christianity to those who might be skeptical, offering a philosophical approach to understanding basic Christian doctrines. Lewis begins by arguing against atheism by pointing out what he calls the Law of Human Nature, or a universal, absolute truth. He also makes a strong argument for believing that Jesus really was the son of God. Buy a copy here.
Remember God – Christians love to talk about how God is in control, but that’s harder to grasp when things aren’t going like you thought they would, when your life looks quite different than you imagined. In this book, author Annie F. Downs shares a compelling position for believing and living every day as if God is faithful, because he is. Buy a copy here.
Summit Ministries Worldview Articles - Summit Ministries helps Christ-followers think carefully about popular issues and events in our culture. Are you wondering how a Christian should think about science, sexuality, or politics? Summit Ministry’s website features a vast searchable database of articles. Learn more here.
The Case For Christ & The Case For Faith - Journalist, pastor and author Lee Strobel shares the story and results of his own journey of faith that included investigating the claims of faith in Jesus. Does it make sense to believe in God? Does it make sense to believe that Jesus is the Son of God and the only way to heaven? Buy a copy here and learn more about all of Lee’s books here. Or, check out the trailer to the movie edition here. You can even watch the author share his story in this sermon length video.
Celebrate Recovery – Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered 12 Step Ministry; men and women are experiencing healthier and more whole lives as they encounter biblical truth and grace-filled support for their hurts, habits and hang-ups. Some of the many hurts, hang-ups and habits include abuse (physical, emotional, verbal & sexual), adult children of alcoholics, alcohol, anger & broken relationships, anxiety & depression and more! If you live in the Ridgefield/north County area, we recommend that you check out the Celebrate Recovery group that meets at the Liberty Bible Church in Salmon Creek. Learn more here. If you live outside of our area, visit celebraterecovery.com to find a group that meets near you.
Breaking Free From Sin’s Grip - Holiness describes a way of living made possible through an intimate, personal relationship with God. Holiness speaks of life and relationship, not letter and law. Breaking Free from Sin’s Grip takes us back to the time when a loving Father saw His children for the first time and dreamed big dreams for them. But this isn’t a story about someone else long ago. It’s as current as today’s newspaper. Step into God’s story as you answer the call to holy living. Buy a copy here.
The Power to Be Free - Are you looking for the Power to live out the Purpose you’ve found for your life? In recent years, millions of Christians have embarked on their own personal quest to find their purpose in life, but they struggle to maintain the passion and discipline it takes to live everyday with that purpose. They seek to enter into a close personal relationship with God and to satisfy the deepest longing of their heart by experiencing more of who He is. This book leads you on a 40-day quest of discovery and adventure toward finding God and entering into a close, personal relationship with Him. Buy a copy here.
Holy Spirit
Wild Goose Chase – Author and Pastor Mark Batterson writes, “Celtic Christians had a name for the Holy Spirit–An Geadh-Glas, or ‘the Wild Goose.’ The name hints at mystery. Much like a wild goose, the Spirit of God cannot be tracked or tamed. An element of danger, an air of unpredictability surround Him. And while the name may sound a little sacrilegious, I cannot think of a better description of what it’s like to follow the Spirit through life.” In this book you will not only learn about the Holy Spirit, but you will be challenged to live the adventure of following the lead of the Holy Spirit. Buy a copy here.
Forgotten God – A follow up to the profound message of Crazy Love, Pastor Francis Chan offers a compelling invitation to understand, embrace, and follow the Holy Spirit’s direction in our lives. Buy a copy here.
The Power of a Whisper - In The Power of a Whisper, vision is cast for what life can look like when God’s followers choose to hear from heaven as they navigate life on earth. Whispers that arbitrate key decisions, nudges that rescue from dark nights of the soul, promptings that spur on growth, urgings that come by way of the Holy Spirit. Buy a copy of the book here or watch the video series here (requires payment).
Accountability Group Questions - An accountability group is a small but intense group of men or women who meet weekly to hold each other accountable to spiritual growth and integrity. Accountability is usually formed around a few questions. This document lists several varieties of accountability questions that have been used by leading Christians over the years. Download it here.
Coaching Questions - Do you want to empower the people around you to be all that God meant for them to be? If you are responsible for the care and development of leaders – staff or volunteers, use these six questions as a basic agenda for any one-on-one coaching conversation and you will see amazing growth in their leadership. This brief excerpt of the Exponential book will help you as you disciple others and hold them accountable to growth. Check it out here.
Coaching Questions, Part 2 - Whether you are coaching a developing leader or holding each other accountable, the coaching questions contained in this artile will encourage relational, physical, mental and spiritual growth. Check it out here.
Celebrate Recovery – Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered 12 Step Ministry; men and women are experiencing healthier and more whole lives as they encounter biblical truth and grace-filled support for their hurts, habits and hang-ups. Some of the many hurts, hang-ups and habits include abuse (physical, emotional, verbal & sexual), adult children of alcoholics, alcohol, anger & broken relationships, anxiety & depression and more! If you live in the Ridgefield/north County area, we recommend that you check out the Celebrate Recovery group that meets at the Liberty Bible Church in Salmon Creek. Learn more here. If you live outside of our area, visit celebraterecovery.com to find a group that meets near you.Join a recovery ministry