2021 can be your year.  The year you find real rest, grow your relationship with God to a new level, and take control of your health.  We are launching a brand new series this weekend that will help you create a customized personal growth plan to guide you throughout the year. 

 Join us online or in-person this Sunday, January 17, and get ready to Grow in 2021!

Need a Growth Guide? Fill out this form and we will mail you one ASAP!

GROW 21 Resources

Part 1: Never Stop Growing

Click here to watch or listen to the first teaching message of this series.

Part 1 Action Steps:

  • Pray, "God, how do you want to grow me this year?" and then write down everything you hear, feel, or think. Try to spend some quiet time praying and reflecting every day.

  • After you have prayed, ask God to help you choose ONE WORD that will guide you in 2021. This will be your own word for the year. When you land on a word, write it in the first blank inside your Growth Guide. Finally, share your word with us! You can reply to this email, or text it to us at 360.552.7794

  • Need more help? Text us at 360.552.7794 and we will connect you with a coach who can talk you through the process of choosing your word. This video also provides some helpful reflection questions to guide your process. (Note: we do not endorse the producer, or the other videos on this channel. We have only reviewed this video and found it helpful).

Part 2: Rest First

Click here to watch or listen to the teaching for part 2

Part 2 Action Steps

Part 3: Grow Your Relationship

Click here to watch or listen to the teaching for part 3.

Part 3 Action Steps

Part 4: Find Health

Click here to watch or listen to the teaching for part 4

Part 4 Action Steps

  • Reflect and pray on this question: Is there any part of my life that doesn’t feel very “spiritual” that is holding me back from living my full potential? If any of the statements below catch your attention because they describe your life, they may indicate a need for growth towards health in that area.

    • Relationships: I regularly feel alone in my journey OR I have no one holding me accountable to spiritual growth

    • Marriage: My marriage is hurting and one or both of us feel unloved, disrespected or disconnected

    • Sabbath Rest: My schedule is over-full of commitments and I rarely get to rest my mind or body

    • Finances: My finances are a mess, we have no plan, and I am anxious about my financial future

    • Physical Health: Pain, untreated illness and general unhealth keep me from doing what I should be doing

    • Mental Health: Depression, anxiety, addictions, trauma or other emotional issues are out of control and holding me back

    • Learning: I am not learning new skills or ideas and am consistently falling behind the times, relying only on what I already know

  • Check out the Health & Wellness Resources for information and organizations that can help you take your next step towards health.

Need more help with your Growth Plan? We have coaches ready to help you put your growth dreams in writing and choose workable action steps. Text us today at 360.552.7794 and ask to connected with a coach!